
Massage & Body Care

massage. body care.

Feel the change a little time for self-care can make. Quiet your mind. Calm your body. Let your parasympathetic nervous system truly allow you to “rest & digest”. Arrive in need and leave with your senses and your body invigorated. Soothing warmth and need-specific aromatherapy are included in all massage and bodywork sessions at Repose Spa Studio.

Both Laura & Amy, the highly skilled therapists at Repose Spa Studio, have devoted over two decades of their careers to the art of massage. As seasoned professionals, they hold a deep passion for their craft, finding immense joy in the ever-evolving nature of their practice. With each passing year, they embrace the opportunity to learn and grow, continuously expanding their knowledge base to offer clients the utmost quality and care. For these women, massage isn't simply a job; it's a lifelong journey of discovery and refinement, ensuring that every session at Repose Spa Studio is a truly transformative experience for their valued clients.

Please visit the Practitioners page to read up on their individual areas of expertise.

Please visit the Massage & Aromatherapeutic Bodywork menu for all choices, descriptions, and prices.


“With your letting go from inside-out and [your massage therapist] giving intelligent input with just the right amount of pressure, movement, and intent, the therapeutic result will be deeper and more long lasting.”
— David Lauterstein


Put something on your calendar that you can truly look forward to as a well-deserved kindness to yourself. It won’t add any weight to your hips. It won’t hang in your closet unworn. It’s not even a guilty pleasure — it’s just a pleasure.